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Where we're viewing art

I urge people to bike, bus, walk, run, or drive to the Chazen Museum of Art to see the etchings and woodwork in the show The Crafted Work of Wharton Esherick. During this sinus-drip weather and the deluge of horrible political events, an afternoon experiencing Esherick’s sensual art may be the perfect escape. I was struck by the etchings, reminiscent of illustrator Rockwell Kent, Esherick's contemporary. More spectacular, though, is the Arts and Crafts-inspired furniture, reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright’s furniture, but warmer, curvier. The desire to touch the walnut writing table or the sculpture Oblivion (with its organic, life-sized intertwined bodies) is partly satisfied by samples of four different woods, which visitors are encouraged to touch. Much of the exhibit is on loan from the Esherick Museum and home in Malvern, Pennsylvania. We are fortunate to have it in Madison until May 18. Be sure to see the regular exhibits as well. The Chazen is a gem.

– George Savage, Isthmus contributor

S P O N S O R E D  C O N T E N T
The Big Share is Today! Donate Now!
The Big Share® is an online day of giving that supports the nearly 70 member nonprofits of Community Shares of Wisconsin. These local nonprofits are defending DEI, trans rights, immigrants, renewable energy, and more every day. Your donation is urgently needed for these nonprofits to carry on their work and resist attacks from the federal administration.

Also today, tune in to The Big Share Live, a day-long telethon featuring local entertainment, discussions about social and environmental justice, and more.

Donate and watch the telethon at

What we're streaming

Attention, hospital drama addicts. The Pitt on Max is a keeper. Noah Wyle is Dr. Robby; he's in charge of the E.R. on The Pitt, and a very busy E.R. it is. The conceit is that each episode is an hour in one 15-hour shift, which sounds like a gimmick but allows for a different pacing than most medical series and also prompts bingeing (although the entirety of the 15-ep season has not dropped yet). Stories weave in and out and are not rushed into a tidy ending each hour. Yes, The Pitt does fall into some stereotypes of the genre. I forgive it, because the character development is promising, and I am ready to be pulled along.

– Linda Falkenstein, Isthmus associate editor

S P O N S O R E D  C O N T E N T
Fresh Food, Stronger Communities with CSA
Now more than ever, supporting local farmers is vital. When you sign up for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share, you are investing in your local community AND in fresh, high-quality quality produce - straight from a farmer’s hands to your table! Enjoy locally sourced foods grown just for you and taste the flavors of each season like never before. Join a CSA and forge a deeper connection with your food and your farmer! Start your CSA experience today.

Where we're springing

If the recent hint of spring is making you crave being around actual living things, stop by the Bolz Conservatory at Olbrich Gardens. Besides the sight of tropical greenery and stunning orchids currently on display, the smell of moist earth, sounds of trilling birds, and feeling of sweet humidity entering your lungs will make you briefly forget that we will still be in the grip of winter for a while longer.

– Janet Clear, Isthmus contributor

What we're drinking

It is bock season. Working Draft Beer Company’s Klosterade doppelbock won a gold medal in the 2022 Great American Beer Festival and is back on tap now at the brewery. It is full-bodied and rich in caramel maltiness.

– Robin Shepard, Isthmus contributor

Do you have a find to share via Word of Mouth? Contact Isthmus associate editor Linda Falkenstein at
The City Clerk’s Office created new forms to track ballot envelopes
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